Fingers in the pies
A blog co-written by Shetan Noir and Mistress Belledona, providing insight and musings about how to gain income for the stay at home or work from home person. Do's and don't, recipes, how-to's and more! All with a bit of magical intent thrown in for zest!
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Keeping goodness in your heart.
There is still good left in this world. I have seen it. There is also bad, I have seen that too. To many times in life people are told to mind thier own business and ignore others. Show a blind eye towards the wrong doings of others.
I still believe that there is good in Human beings. I have seen it, first hand.
The young man who walks an older women to her car to make sure she is safe.
The adult who wraps her arms around a child that is not hers to shield them and protect them.
The officer who stops traffic and helps a mother duck and her ducklings cross a road.
A biker who pulls over and helps change a flat tire or assist with a broken down car.
A working dad who buys lunch for a homeless mom and her child.
A lone women handing out wellness care packages to the homeless and forgotten
The store clerk who helps a grandmother in a wheelchair struggling to shop.
This is good in this world still, so I ask that tomorrow and from now on that we all act in the favor of good.
Say a kind words, smile and look into the eyes of other people, help as you feel able to. Keep goodness alive.
Stand up for others and defend those who are defenseless. Stand together as a walk of Humanity and shine forth the inner good that is in each of us.
Good lives in all, straight, gay, white, black, pagan, Baptist, Jewish, thin, obese, short tall. It does not matter. Be a Human and raise above hate and fear. Fill yourself with love and hope.
Friday, June 10, 2016
The pains of wanting to stay neutral
Years ago, dressed in shades of peach,orange,apricot. I attended and participated in an opening ritual held by Daemon Wilburn, or auntie Dame as I lovingly call her. At that ritual we all came together as a force to build and lay the ground work for creating a stronger pagan community. Afterwards I sat at auntie dames feet and listened to her talk for hours. So caught up in her awesomeness and a feeling of pride that I had helped accomplish something epic.
But now
In the local pagan scene there seems to be a movement going where groups are coming together under new names to clash with other groups while smiling at each other with barred teeth. I now consider myself an outsider to many of these groups but what I see them doing to the community as a whole is creating tensions, drama and discord. Every few months there seems to be a new group popping up and trying to stake thier claim on a community that is not owned by anyone.
Instead of the warm and welcoming atmosphere I experienced years ago, where people new to the pagan community were welcomed and made to feel welcomed. Now there is a feeling of who are you and what can you do for us.
Each group trying to build a bigger army of followers and overshadowing each other's events.
Where does this pagans arms race end? When can we all get back to respecting each other and caring about everyone. Not just one person's or groups agenda.
I want sit at auntie dames feet again and hear of the great things our community will accomplish.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
Deal with post event crud.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
The importance of knowing what not to say - the Sorcerous Word
Just wanted to stop by, after a looooong vacation, and talk about something important. The Sorcerous Word and how it is not to be used lightly. Or, it's not just how you say it, it is what you say.
You see, it is very important to understand that there is no Universal Translator to the world of the divine. Often times, when doing magick,it is not uncommon for the new comer to be interested in shortcutting the spell craft and going straight to execution of a badly worded working.
It is also not unheard of for well seasoned magickians go become.L.A.Z.Y.
- Letting
- All
- Zeal
- Yap
Same thing applies to your workings. Please, keep it short, sweet, simple, and precise. When you speak to entities, even yourself, you are creating a program of actions and consequences with magic. And magic takes the route of least resistance. If it has no clear destination, it wanders and goes off track. If it has conflicting instructions, it fizzles or goes haywire.
And for the love of all things in Creation, make contracts clear and precise. AND NEVER PROMISE WHAT YOU CANNOT DO. AND NEVER ASK FOR WHAT YOU CANNOT HANDLE.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Parsley, Sage, Marijuana, and Thyme - why herbal identification training is sorely needed
As my mother proudly listed each one as best she remembered, the person started acting strangely. Picking up a bundle, she pointedly asked if this bunch was marijuana. You know, cannibis. At this, one can imagine the look of incredulity that passed across my mother's face. The acquaintance became quite insistent that it would be this, as the daughter is strange anyway.
After a moment of weighty silence, she was asked quite directly what would make her think that any daughter would gift her mother with a bundle of "weed" when she was clearly bringing over herbs. Reevaluation of the mental faculties of this person took place on the spot. The eternal mantra of the unpleasantly surprised came forward, "What is wrong with you?", and she was courteously encourage to consider her stay a tad bit overlong.
The fact that the writer is "strange" was code word for "witch" in these circles. But seriously, when does that make one the local Cheech and Chong dream delivery franchisee? The fact is, there are so many people who never take the time to look at what herbs, or other foods, look like before they are processed lead to this messiness. Seriously, sage is not cannibis.
Gentle readers, this writer encourages you to take to the highways, the hills, the byways, the streets, and the recreation centers to share your knowledge of actual herbs. Please spread the word that just because it is on a stem, and has flowers and greenery that is not grass or hostas, does not mean it is a drug. Shaking of the heads, indeed, were shared over this phone call. Please don't let it happen to your friends and loved ones. Only you can inspire a potential wildcrafter my fellow Detroit peeps, only you.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Happy First Anniversary, Pagan Pathways Temple
Community town hall meetings, classes, workshops, and Wiccan services have all been held in its walls. Weddings, a community thanksgiving, and a community center aspect that has hosted children's activities has made this home to many. When there is no where else to find answers for the new seeker, this wonderful board and its leader, Rev. Nashan, have opened their arms and hearts to all who would come in peace and sincerity.
And now, wow, a full year has gone by since the opening. The smiling face, beaming with pride and happiness, that was Nashan's is still easily brought to mind. It was a celebration for all as they opening ritual raised a joyful noise with the music of "Happy" lifting all spirits in joining with their accomplishment.
But as this writer always says, "The work is only done, by those who do the work". And while they have been working their bodies and minds well beyond the limits of reasonable expectation, there are still many who have not heard of their existence, nor their message of inclusive Paganism. They hold space for us, and for that, we give them honor.
So without any further delay, it is with great awe that the words of the good Reverend Nashan are shared here from his announcement regarding the anniversary celebration on September 11, 2016. A good day to make a good memory and associate with the building of something good and right. A good day to come out and contribute to the continued existence of this place.
"Greetings all!
Well the official countdown has begun. 11 days until we begin our celebration of one complete year of service to the community that we Love. I would first like to thank the Pagan Pathways Temple Board for all of your hard work this year and your hard work in putting together this 2 day event. You guys inspire me! smile emoticon Love you.
I would also like to thank our dedicated staff of volunteers who (often times without being asked) take the time out of their schedules to work our events, clean the temple, act as temple keepers, and just get everything we need to get done, done. You guys Rock so hard!
Now we have a number of things coming up, but None as big as our Anniversary celebration. We have 2 days of fun and fellowship in store for you all and we sincerely hope you come and celebrate with us both days.
The schedule of events will be posted here on FB and on our website shortly so check back here soon.
Our goal is no less than 200 people each day showing up to hang out with us. We want to spread the word far and wide that the Temple is open and here to stay! So bring a friend. Bring that certain someone who has meant to get down to the temple, but just hasn't had that chance.
Join us as we change the world!
Blessed Be